Sunday, February 21, 2010

Indoor painting question ?

i want to paint my bedroom walls but over the years there has been 5 layers of paint and 1 layer was a mural so everything is uneven and need ugly, what should i do ?Indoor painting question ?
Trying to sand this is a waste of time and may be hazardous depending on wether or not there was any lead paint in any of the previous layers.If your mural was done with acrylic artist's paint(tubes) this stuff is rather soft and stretchy and can clog your sandpaper easily and be tough as the devil to sand down(oil paint too!).You are much better off changing the drywall.Indoor painting question ?
Wash down the walls. Then lightly sand. Dust them down and then put on a layer of kilz or binz before you paint. When you put on the primer have it tinted in a shade a little lighter than what you are going to use.
you may not like this...sand, sand, sand like a fool. wear a particle mask and eye protection and sand the walls smooth, then you can paint them...there usually is no need for a primer or sealer if the walls have been previously painted and have not water damage and there is no nicotine coating them.
Sand until you have a flat surface.
You could scrape and sand until you have a smooth surface. Messy, time-consuming, but you'll be happy about the result. Be sure to use a good primer before you paint.

Or, you could plaster the walls. It would be worth the money to have a professional do this.

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